Follow your baby’s development in the first year. Month 01 Month 02 Month 03 Month 04 Month 05 Month 06 Month 07 Month 08 Month 09 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

Follow your baby’s development in the first year. Month 01 Month 02 Month 03 Month 04 Month 05 Month 06 Month 07 Month 08 Month 09 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
What can your baby do this month? This is the twelfth month of your baby. The helpless fragile infant has turned into a more independent and interesting little person. During this month your problem will be of what kind of cake to get to your…
What can your baby do this month? Now that you have spent the most trying but amazing month you will not have trouble getting accustomed to the second one. But it will be important that you understand what takes place in this month nonetheless as…
What can your baby do this month? Your baby is constantly growing and by this month your baby will be more settled to a schedule that will give you enough time to have time to do certain things about the house. Your baby will have…
What can your baby do this month? By this moth your baby’s weight will be doubled of that of he or she was at birth. This is a strong indication of your baby’s growth development. In addition to that your baby’s motor skills will also…
What can your baby do this year? This month is important as their will be visible transitions taking place in the development of your baby. Things start to become very evident and your baby will start to socialize more actively with those around him or…
What can your baby do this month? Your baby is now half a year old! This could be very exciting. From this month onwards you could start your baby on formula milk or solid food. You will see a change in the growth of your…
What can your baby do this month? This month can be a little challenging. There will be several changes in your baby’s routine such as sleep, diet and there will even be mood changes. Your baby is growing up but this month will be the…
What can your baby do this month? Soon your baby will crawl around the room. There will be emotional changes too. They will be more persistent and always want what they see. Babies of this age will need 2-3 day time sleeps each of one…