What can your baby do this month?

Soon your baby will crawl around the room. There will be emotional changes too. They will be more persistent and always want what they see.

Babies of this age will need 2-3 day time sleeps each of one or more hours. Make sure that your baby gets enough sleep. In addition to that your baby of this age will have two or more solid meals per day. It is important that you still breast feed your baby to help growth.

Your baby will start to crawl now. Later he or she will crawl towards the furniture or the wall and pull him or herself up to a standing position. Your baby will also go through great cognitive developments. He or she will realize the difference in the size of objects and also the use of these objects. The baby will know that the toy box will have his or her favourite green turtle.

Then the baby will develop the idea to say no. the baby will do this by turning the head away when he or she is fed with something that is not very nice.

The language will also develop during this month. The baby will learn more words and try to communicate but wouldn’t be able to make perfect sense. However it is believed that the baby will be able to understand that they could actually mouth the words.

The baby will also learn to point at things that he or she wants. This will be after several attempts to reach it.

Tips for parents this month

As your baby is developing cognitive thinking it is best that you give your baby toys that will be enjoyable and also increase thinking power. A toy with buttons and sounds will help your baby to develop the motor skills as well. Even signing nursery rhymes with the baby will help.

Now it is time to seriously start thinking of converting the house in a way that the baby could go about the house without encountering any accidents. Make sure that the small objects that your baby would put into the mouth are out of reach.

We recommend having your doctor’s number and other emergency services on the speed dial in case there is a need.

You could also try taking your baby in a pram or carrier now. However make sure that you buy the best and most suitable to your need. Take a look at our article on baby carriers for further details.
Consult your doctor whenever your babies bowel movement changes. This could mean that the baby has eaten something that he found lying around the house. But don’t worry as these cases are rare and let your baby explore freely.

Make sure that your baby gets plenty of nutrition during the day. Make new and interesting food combinations to trick your baby into eating the most nutritious fruits and veggies.