What can your baby do this month?

This month can be a little challenging. There will be several changes in your baby’s routine such as sleep, diet and there will even be mood changes. Your baby is growing up but this month will be the month that is in between harmlessness and mischief because soon your baby will be crawling around.

This is the age where stranger anxiety starts. Your baby will feel uncertain and uncomfortable when with a stranger. The baby in this month will be able to retrieve the recognition memory which will make him or her suspicious when a face cannot be recognized. This is normal and you need not worry.

Another anxiety that your baby may develop is separation. Separation Anxiety takes place when you leave your baby in the room for a while. The little one will cry until he or she can see you again. At this age your baby can be loud and noisy and you will have to sooth him or her until calmed.

This month is noteworthy as the baby will start to develop social and emotional skills. The baby will understand who are the persons they love, needs to be with and who would satisfy their needs. He or she will also respond well to kind voices and will be afraid of harsh sounds.

Your baby will also use the hands to eat and this is good. Try giving small pieces of fruits so that the baby can have his or her own fun while having the meal and develop the sense of touch.

Tips for parents this month

Your baby will start to teeth at this age. This can be very discomforting to your baby. To make him or her feel alright give the baby a firm rubber or a cold washcloth to chew into that it will ease the pain. Most mothers give their babies something cold to eat during teething process. You could also massage the gums of your baby to ease the pain.

If your baby has developed any of the anxieties do not let your baby deal with the fears by him or herself. Talk to your little one sooth her and try to make her understand that even though she can’t see you, you have not left the baby.

The baby needs all your attention. To get your attention he or she will wail and make a lot of noises. This could be very trying so make but make sure that you don’t fly into tempers when dealing with your baby.

Take your own time. Watch a movie, go for a walk. Don’t let your baby get in the way of you having your own time.