Nappy changing checklist

  • A clean cloth nappy or a disposable nappy
  • Nappy wipes or cotton wool
  • Some luke warm water
  • A bar of baby soap
  • A baby cream for nappy rashes
  • Safety pins
  • A bin to get rid of the used nappies
  • A blanket or mat to lay baby on so you won’t make a mess

The most important fact to keep in mind is to use a safe place for this task. A low bed or a table will be ideal.

First you’ll have to prepare yourself. Wash your hand thoroughly and pat them dry. Make the set up by leaving a changing mat, towel, clean cloth or any soft and warm surface will do.

Make sure you got everything you need for a nappy change by you because this will ensure that you won’t leave your child unattended.

  1. Lie your baby down on the bed or table. Keep your baby entertained to make her enjoy the whole process
  2. Undo the old nappy by unfastening the nappy tags
  3. While leaving the old nappy on clean her stools away using the front of her nappy before folding into a tight bundle (to stop waste spilling) and leave it in the dirty nappy bin
  4. Gently wipe the baby’s front using a baby wipe
  5. Lift both the baby’s legs to clean her bottom
  6. Apply the cream for nappy rashes
  7. Place a fresh nappy underneath the baby and fasten the nappy at both sides not too loose and not too tight
  8. Dress up your baby and wash your hands

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