Baby Developments By the second week after conceiving (but fourth official week of your pregnancy), the embryo would usually contain about 150 cells, made up of 3 layers, which would develop separately. These layers are Ectoderm: this is the outermost layer and it goes on…

Baby’s Developments One egg is released into the fallopian tube. It is in this tube that the egg gets fertilised by a sperm. Although approximately 300 million sperm are released in one go, only one will fertilise your egg. Upon fertilisation, the total genetic makeup…

Baby’s Developments Unlike sperm which is newly produced throughout a man’s life, a woman is actually born with all her eggs in her 2 ovaries. From the time she hits puberty one egg per month ripens and is released. So now, once your period draws…

Baby’s Developments The due date of your baby is calculated as first day of your last periods + 7 days + 9 months So for example, if your last period started on the 21st of January, then your due date would be 21st January +…

Baby’s Developments Week 13 starts the second trimester of your pregnancy. The crucial part of the pregnancy is now over since the process of organogenesis (forming of the internal organs) is now over and all that remains is for your baby to mature and grow.…

Baby’s Developments The embryo is about 4-5 mm long. The heart is present but it is not yet fully formed, and it beats about 150 bpm (beats per minute). The arms and legs are ready to develop and are now shown as four tiny buds.…

Baby’s Developments The eyes and ears of the foetus are almost in their correct positions now and the sex organs too are distinguishable but not completely formed. The lungs are developed and slight breathing movements can be observed. The vocal cords begin to form. The…

Baby’s Development The major organs of the foetus are now fully formed and functioning and passing urine from the kidneys starts. The foetus can also suck and swallow at this stage. The fingers and toes have fully separated and movements such as swimming and kicking…

Baby’s Developments The foetus measures approximately 3 cm and weighs 4 g. Fingers and toes are fully developed and the nervous and digestive systems are starting to develop. The foetus even has fingernails and hair at this stage and can make small uncoordinated movements. Although…