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Author page: admin

Cultural Implications

Cultural implications , of course varies in different parts of Sri Lanka. Due to geographical variation, ethnicity and various traditions, in some rural parts of Sri Lanka teenage pregnancy is high. Horescope predictions Though having a child is mainly dependent on the process of ovulation…

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Baby`s First Year

The first twelve months of your baby will be full of surprises. You will discover a lot of new things about your new baby and about yourselves as parents. All babies are different, however the basics of taking care of a baby will remain the…

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Mother and Father

You are now new parents and you are uncertain of almost everything from here on. Do not worry yourself, and remember to take one day at a time as you are not alone, there are many parents going through the same things you are. You…

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After Pregnancy

You finally passed the long wait – the baby is here. But what about getting your body back? Will all those body changes stay permanently or can you recover fast? Could the type of delivery you had change the speed of recovery? Find all you need to…

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During Pregnancy

You might be having some symptoms of pregnancy which is making you wonder if you are really pregnant. If you have conducted the necessary tests needed to confirm that you are pregnant – you are probably looking to learn more about the days to come…

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Getting Pregnant

All you need to know before getting pregnant. From what you should eat, to how your weight could affect your chances of getting pregnant. Read and learn on the topics of fertility and how you can improve your chances of getting pregnant. Feeling pressured due…

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