What can your baby do this month?
Now that you have spent the most trying but amazing month you will not have trouble getting accustomed to the second one. But it will be important that you understand what takes place in this month nonetheless as the simple facts such as how your baby plays or how he or she speaks, react and learn will hint on the development process of your baby.
Let’s take a look at some milestones that your baby will encounter this month.
Your baby will begin to smile not just when you are around but also at others who are around him or her. The baby will see objects and people that are very close and also turn the head to the direction where the object of his or her interest is. He or she will also look at your face while being fed. The baby of this age will show interest in the faces around him or her. The baby will also not keep the hands in tight fits that he or she is quite used to.
Along with sight the sense of hearing will also improve through this month. That means that the baby will understand and even respond well to the sound of something familiar. At this age coos and gurgling sounds will be the baby’s sole communication tool.
Now this age is also when your baby starts to show boredom and become a little fussy. He or she needs action to keep company of. Bright toys would keep the baby company.
The most important factor of the baby in this month is that he or she can hold the head up and begin to push up when he or she is laid on the stomach. This will indicate that your baby is ready to crawl or move about even though that activity wouldn’t start right away. However leg and arm movements will be more improved than it was in the first month.
Tips for parents this month
During this month your baby will start to learn by watching those around him or her. This means that you will be the person that the baby will mostly show interest on. Since every action is still very new to your baby you will have to demonstrate certain actions a little. This could be trying to grab something or even laughing out. Your baby will get the hang of things in no time.
Your baby will expect to be fed more often this month. Try to follow the baby’s lead. Feed only when the baby show signs of hunger. The baby will also show signs of tiredness when he or she is fed. Try to encourage this a little so that your baby will not be fussy afterwards. Sleep time will vary from nine hours to eighteen hours.
This month your baby will gain some weight. Don’t worry if the weight varies in certain weeks. Your baby will remain a certain weight soon.