Baby’s Developments
The foetus now measures about 24 cm head to toe and weighs about 450 g. Little tooth buds, as well as the pancreas (which produces many important hormones) are developing at this stage. The foetus also has a sense of touch now and may touch its face and suck its thumb to experiment. The reproductive system continues to develop too. In boys, the testes are descending from the abdomen to their normal scrotal position and in girls, the ovaries, uterus and vagina are formed.
Changes in the Mother
You would feel the baby’s movements. At first you may mistake them for gas but they will soon be quite aggressive and there will be no mistaking them! You may also feel a squeezing sensation in your uterus. This is a condition called the Braxton Hicks contractions. These are also known as “practice contractions” because they prepare your body for labour by softening your cervix and exercising the muscles you need for labour. They are quite painful but are usually irregular and random.
You can alleviate the pain by trying out the following:
- Drink lots of water and avoid caffeine
- Practise rhythmic breathing techniques
- When you have a contraction, change the position you are in or lie down on your left side
- Don’t hold urine since this can trigger contractions and quickly urinate when you feel the need
However you should definitely seek medical attention if they are steadily getting stronger, more regular, and rhythmical and occur closer and closer, especially if you are less than 37 weeks pregnant since this may be a sign of preterm labour.