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Pregnancy – Week 4

Baby Developments

By the second week after conceiving (but fourth official week of your pregnancy), the embryo would usually contain about 150 cells, made up of 3 layers, which would develop separately. These layers are

  • Ectoderm: this is the outermost layer and it goes on to form the brain and the nervous system.
  • Mesoderm: this is the middle layer. It will become the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels), excretory system, genital system, bones and cartilage etc.
  • Endoderm: this is the innermost layer. It forms the digestive and respiratory systems and also develops glands such as the pancreas, thyroid, thymus as well as the liver.

Changes in the Mother

An increase in the body’s levels of the hormone progesterone may result in increased cervical mucus (the mucus secreted by the glands in a woman’s cervix). Again, as a result of a surge of various hormones, you may develop a lot of acne. Be careful not to pick and break the pimples so that you end up with scars.

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