What can your baby do this month?
Your baby is constantly growing and by this month your baby will be more settled to a schedule that will give you enough time to have time to do certain things about the house.
Your baby will have a more strengthened neck by now. Thus you will witness very little head wobbling or swaying in this month, when the baby is held upright. In this month your baby’s motor skills are improving which means that your baby will support the head and chest with more confidence than the past couple of months. You will also notice the early stages of the baby’s head hand coordination.
Your baby’s sleep schedule will be more routine in this month. He or she will sleep a stretch of six to seven hours during this month, even at night. If the baby is trained to a schedule he or she will spend the night time for sleep.
Faces and bright objects will still continue to interest your baby this month. Communication will also improve during this month. That means that your baby will not depend on crying and making a fuss if he or she is hungry or needs to be entertained. Your baby will use sounds to interact. Also there will be a lot of drooling, chomping, sucking and chewing during this month. Now that means your baby will start to put anything and everything in to its mouth.
The growth of your baby will also be more improved this month. The old clothes will have to be replaced by bigger ones.
Tips for parents this month
Even though you could start on formula during this month we advise you to stay for another month or two before actually starting on the new diet.
Since your baby will be experimenting on sounds this month make sure to encourage this by making silly and clear sounds this month. You should be present when the baby is awake and respond actively to any sound the baby makes. This will be your time to communicate with your baby so when you’re dressing the little one up try saying things to him or her. Also spend time playing small games will your baby. this will help him or her to learn and develop motor skills better.
A baby of this month wouldn’t rely on crying. So if your baby cry continuously consult a doctor because this could mean that your baby is not well.
You should also make sure to look after yourself. Don’t just eat whatever that is available. Make sure that you get your nutrition and rest in time. It is important that you get you share of exercise too. Walk around the house get involved with other work. Make sure that your life doesn’t only contain your baby’s work. Make sure that you do not neglect your spouse too. This is the best times of a new family share it will all and make new and fascinating memories for days to come.