If you are planning a pregnancy you would want to know how to eat healthy and how to improve your chances of getting pregnant

If you are planning a pregnancy you would want to know how to eat healthy and how to improve your chances of getting pregnant
In Sri Lankan culture most women marry at a young age and often have children in early 20s. Ideal age to get married and have a healthy baby is between 25 to 30 years of age . With changes in the past few years and…
When a woman who is expecting a baby or who had unprotected intercourse missed her periods, she will suspect whether she is pregnant or not. Present day pregnancy tests will be able to diagnose pregnancy by five weeks time. If the baby is conceived and…
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS) is a condition that leads to irregular or delayed periods and excessive fat deposition of the body leading to extreme obesity in some women. Most women will have missed periods followed by heavy menstrual flow and, difficulty of conceiving. excessive hair growth…
Subfertility also comes under the heading of desire to have babies and a family. It does not mean “infertile” which is a rare condition where a couple cannot conceive at all. In the case of subfertility,unfortunately ten per cent of the married population will have…
Sometimes, it can be hard to believe about “Domestic Violence during Pregnancy” in a country like Sri Lanka. The culture of our people and the religious nature is such that parenthood is treated as a divinely experience. Most married couples dream for a baby immediately.…
Miscarriage is when a fertilised egg or foetus is being rejected by the maternal system. It is in other words the termination of a pregnancy. The term spontaneous abortion is also used instead of miscarriage. Signs and Symptoms of a Miscarriage: For most females, the…
There are various myths, beliefs and sayings about conception. In this article the Baby Space will help you understand basic factors which every couple should know about fertility and conception. External and internal factors can cause infertility Your habits and external environment are factors that…
Becoming a parent and raising a child is full of pleasant challenges and surprises. It is also a life changing experience. In Sri Lanka it is natural for a newly married couple to immediately start thinking about making a baby. This is normally a much…