It is natural for you to wonder about your baby’s bowel movement. However, each baby is unique and has his/her own ways when it comes to this subject but with time, you will be able to familiarize yourself with your baby’s bowel movement. In this…

It is natural for you to wonder about your baby’s bowel movement. However, each baby is unique and has his/her own ways when it comes to this subject but with time, you will be able to familiarize yourself with your baby’s bowel movement. In this…
Nappy changing checklist A clean cloth nappy or a disposable nappy Nappy wipes or cotton wool Some luke warm water A bar of baby soap A baby cream for nappy rashes Safety pins A bin to get rid of the used nappies A blanket or…
A baby will need at least ten nappy changes during the day. This process will seem confusing at first but with time, you will get the hang of it. With this guide, BabySpace will help you understand all about nappy changing. What are disposable and…
The experience of breastfeeding is joyful and special for more reasons than one. It is truly a matchless moment of joyful bonding with your precious baby. Breastfeeding is extremely important for both you and your new born. The health benefit of breastfeeding is vast, saves…
Breast feeding is one of the most natural ways of feeding your baby. It is milk given to the baby from the mother’s breast, and it sound and looks simple by according to many mothers. However, at the beginning it is confusing and difficult for…
Taking care of a new born is a frightening and almost always a worrying experience. Learn the basics of taking care of your newborn in the first year. Transporting Baby You will need to carry your new born by securing its head and neck on…
The first twelve months of your baby will be full of surprises. You will discover a lot of new things about your new baby and about yourselves as parents. All babies are different, however the basics of taking care of a baby will remain the…
You are now new parents and you are uncertain of almost everything from here on. Do not worry yourself, and remember to take one day at a time as you are not alone, there are many parents going through the same things you are. You…
Your bundle of joy or your little brat? Babies are definitely a handful and no one is truly prepared for the constant changes about babies. This section on our site will help you learn more about baby care and how to answer all those questions…