Baby’s Developments The foetus is about 13 cm long now (a little smaller than an average woman’s hand) and weighs about 140 g. The skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to hard bone and even the sweat glands are starting to develop. The foetus is…
Baby’s Developments The foetus is about 13 cm long now (a little smaller than an average woman’s hand) and weighs about 140 g. The skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to hard bone and even the sweat glands are starting to develop. The foetus is…
Baby’s Developments The foetus measures about 12 cm and weighs approximately 110 g now and the muscles and bones have gained strength which means your baby can hold its head erect. The eyes have moved close to the front of the head and the ears…
Baby’s Developments The legs of the foetus are starting to grow longer than the arms now and all the joints and limbs can be moved. Although the eyes are still fused shut, the foetus can sense light. You would not see this, but if you…
Baby’s Developments The thyroid gland of the foetus has matured so now the foetus would start producing thyroid hormones. Fine hairs, known as lanugo have developed on the baby’s face. These are colourless and would eventually spread to cover most of the baby’s body. But…
What is normal labour? Normal Labour is a series of contractions of the uterus, which help the cervix to dilate letting the fetus progress through the birth canal. According to The World Health Organization normal birth has been described as; “Spontaneous in onset, low-risk at the…
Baby’s Developments Week 13 starts the second trimester of your pregnancy. The crucial part of the pregnancy is now over since the process of organogenesis (forming of the internal organs) is now over and all that remains is for your baby to mature and grow.…
Baby’s Developments The eyes and ears of the foetus are almost in their correct positions now and the sex organs too are distinguishable but not completely formed. The lungs are developed and slight breathing movements can be observed. The vocal cords begin to form. The…
Baby’s Development The major organs of the foetus are now fully formed and functioning and passing urine from the kidneys starts. The foetus can also suck and swallow at this stage. The fingers and toes have fully separated and movements such as swimming and kicking…