What can your baby do this year?

The toddler hood is just around the corner and your little one is going strong and well. You’ll be more concerned about giving the little one nutritious food and sometimes this could be tiring as your baby will reject most of it most of the time.

Your baby will understand the meaning of words by now. At this month your baby wouldn’t just babble around but make sense too. This is quite a leap. Your baby will listen closely, watch your reactions to certain words closely and gather meaning from them.

Your baby will also have better coordination skills like the understanding of object permanence will increase and the baby will understand that if an object is out of sight this doesn’t mean that the object is entirely gone. The baby would even look for toys that he or she love but not around.

Imitation will certainly continue at this month. Your baby will brush his or her hair; try talking over the phone and even push buttons on it, just like you do. If you say the name of your baby’s favorite toy he or she will be able to look at it.

At this age your baby will become a picky eater. The little one will have favorites and avoid any food that is not very appetizing to him. This will be challenging but you could experiment on new food recipes to encourage your baby to eat those green vegetables.

Tips for parents this month

Make sure that you communicate with your baby whenever possible. When you are with your baby try explaining him or her, what you do and ask questions from the little one. When your baby is talking try asking questions like “really?” or “do you think so?” this will help your baby to communicate freely. Encourage every word, say it aloud a couple of times till your baby mastered it.

Read to your baby every day. Take an attractive story book and present the story amicably. Your baby will start to like turning pages and looking at colorful pictures. If you try making different sounds to different characters the baby will be more interested. Make sure that your baby could easily reach his or her books so that the little one can look at it whenever the need arise.

At this month your baby will be able to do different work. It is advisable to make your baby understand what is wrong and right. Encourage every positive action and praise the baby but make sure to oppose or say a big no when the baby is doing something wrong. However don’t scold the baby in the age. Explain nicely why it is wrong and distract with something that the baby love doing.

Music will help to keep your baby active. Dance with your baby and see the baby bounce and clap. Encourage every move. Do not scare the baby as it will work negatively.